Volunteering Opportunities
The Opportunity Listings page allows you to view the volunteering opportunities that are currently available.
You can filter the opportunities that you see by specifying one or more search values and clicking the "Search" button. The system will display matching opportunities.
If no search value is specified, all current opportunities will be displayed.
If there are more than 10 matching items, use the Paging controls to see additional pages.
Note: 'Spots Left' may include volunteers that are needed for some slots that are not visible to non-members. Login to see the full list of slots available.
2025 Mill Cities Relay Volunteer
Not Yet Open
Address: 596 Lowell St Methuen, MA United States of America
Merrimack Valley Striders needs volunteers to help direct runners at Mill Cities Relay at the Exchange Zone 4 where relay runners start the last leg of the race.
Please plan to meet at 8:15 AM at the New Balance Parking Lot, 596 Lowell St. Methuen, MA.
All leg-5 runners leave this site by 11:15 AM and the volunteers will be wrapped up checking in the final leg 4 runners by noon. After that, head to the party at Salvatore's!