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Boston Marathon Checklist

Published on 1/27/2020
by:  Laurie Lavallee

Visor or hat (to keep rain out of your eyes if raining)
Jacket with hood
Headband/warm hat/neck warmer
Arm Warmers
Throw-away towel or blanket
Shopping bags to tie over shoes to walk through athlete's village
Duct tape to cover laces if raining or windy
Hydration belt/flip belt
Race fuel: waffles/chews/gels & electrolyte tablets/Nuun
Body Glide, aquafor, vaseline
Chap stick
Foam roller/stick roller
Wet wipes
Extra plastic bags (for clothes, trash, etc.)
Toilet paper
Safety pins/bib snaps
Garmin watch & charger
Backup phone batteries and/or charging cable for bus
Band aids
Plastic bag for sweaty clothes
Clear poncho
Shower cap
Dry clothes for after the race & comfy shoes (in plastic bag)
Ice packs/handwarmers for sore muscles after
Snack for mid morning (peanut butter sandwich, bagel, banana, whatever works for you)
2 bottles of water (they will have some on the bus too, as well as beverages for after)
Pretzels or salty snacks
Sharpie to personalize your bib, arms, etc.

Packing tips:

1)  Wear everything you plan to wear for the race-shoes, shorts/pants, etc. so you don't forget the most important stuff, then bring extra layers or optional items so you can adjust as needed on the bus.
2)  Bring lots of clothing options. The weather will change just in the time it takes to drive to Hopkington, then we have several hours as the sun comes up and things will change again.  In previous years I've added a layer at the last minute and was very grateful by the end of the race.
3)  In the past the bus had outlets so you can charge your phone but I bring backup batteries just in case.  Even if you don't plan to carry your phone, it's good to be sure you can reach people at the end of the race.
4)  If it rains here are some tips:  It was impossible to stay dry 2 years ago with the driving rain but I wasn't terribly uncomfortable so I wore base layer(s), followed by a jacket with a hood over a visor, followed by a poncho, with my MVS shirt with bib on top to keep the poncho from flapping in the wind. I wore compression socks figuring they wouldn't move as much as other socks and it worked, so anything tight should work. I put Aquafor on in Hopkington right before leaving the bus, and was VERY liberal with it between the toes and all over my feet.  Obviously you'll need to adjust for you.  There is no such thing as too much Body Glide, in my opinion.
5)  Some great advice I got for running in the rain-DO NOT step on anything that isn't pavement, meaning the trolley tracks, discarded clothing, ponchos, plastig bags, etc. You can't imagine how slippery a wet poncho is, and the streets will be littered with them as you get closer to the finish.


Road Runners Club of America USATF - New England Mill Cities Relay