2023 New York Marathon
Robin Condon | Published on 11/14/2023

"This experience was something. I didn’t finish as quickly as I wanted to, but I overcame a TON of anxiety through miles 6-16. Around mile 3-4 my ankles started hurting and I fell down the mental hole of wondering how I was going to finish. I had a couple of minor panic attacks while running and ending up throwing up from my anxiety multiple times between miles 9-13. I have struggled with anxiety my entire life but (naively) did not expect this to be the case during the race, just before I got started. Around mile 14 I stopped to take a break in the medical tent. I really needed that mental reset and to know I was physically okay. I walked a lot of those miles but kept going. I saw my family shortly after mile 16, ate some real food, heard some encouraging words and went on my way. I ran and walked the rest of the way and really started to feel better once I hit 18. Knowing I only had 8.2 left really helped as did eating some bananas and rehydrating with Gatorade. Hitting the Bronx, I was ready to go. Made it through Harlem which was a blast and then into Central Park. I ran miles 25 & 26 with a smile on my face. Saw my parents and one of my sisters with about 400 meters left, stopped to take a selfie and then finished! I don’t think I’ll run a big marathon again, but I would like to run a small, more local one to see how I can do. Thank you to the MVS coaches, Sharon, Amy, and Mary Beth for helping me during Tuesday evening Track Workouts. A special thank you to Devan Peterson for being there with me for 12 miles and for knowing when she needed to keep going so she could rock her race!" ~ Beth Farr

"This past marathon was a wonderful walk/run through the boroughs of New York with Liz MacIver. We had fun! We finished and we could still walk! It was amazing! I love NYC! It's beautiful and filthy. It's both and one learns to see around the filth to the joy of Central Park and the beauty in people." ~John Jannetti
"I LOVE this race!! It’s all about the spectators. They are loud! They are several deep the ENTIRE way, except for the bridges! They want high fives! They make great signs! They are so enthusiastic and encouraging, especially near the end when it’s really needed! My lifesaver was doing a 20 second walk / 30 second run (adjusted when going up and down hills) for about the last 8 miles. I finished the run feeling great and enjoyed the long walk back to the hotel with Louise. And there’s more to the marathon than just Sunday. It’s a celebratory weekend. We try to include everyone in a Saturday evening dinner, before the MVS group photo. Post marathon it’s harder to do a group dinner but we managed to do a small group dinner at Shake Shack. A burger, fries, and a Coke hit the spot. If anyone is considering running it, do it! Take off the earbuds and take in all the sights and sounds this marathon offers. You won’t be disappointed." ~Diane Jannetti
"Everyone has their own reason for running a marathon. It was a great day for my 44th run through the streets of New York. There is no way I could’ve done this without the spectators and volunteers. The crowd loved calling my name out, which kept me motivated. I think it’s important to feel a sense of satisfaction in our accomplishments. We often judge ourselves by what the clock says. It takes a lot of effort on our part to get to the starting line. Whatever we run for a time becomes part of our legacy. It doesn’t always work out as planned, but the important thing is to get to the finish line." ~ Jim Laprel
"New York sure knows how to party! Non-stop cheers, signs, entertainment and more. It's an experience I never thought I'd have and was so thankful to share it with members of my MVS family! From walking around the city sites, to running through all 5 boroughs, what a memorable weekend! I still can't believe I did it! Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen!" ~ Wendy Pelletier

"I highly recommend anyone who is considering running NY to run NY. There is so much support out there, both from MVS and support groups on Facebook and social media. The NYRR does a great job about sending out tips and advice throughout the whole process. The energy is electric and it is truly a nonstop party for 26 miles. I didn’t take the bus but I loved the Ferry. Getting to the ferry was super easy using the subway. You get to see the sun rise and it’s absolutely gorgeous. I met so many awesome people on my transportation to the villages. I was lucky enough to run with someone for 1/2 of it, which was awesome and then I got to run 1/2 by myself which was also really cool. As far as advice I would say find someone to religiously train with. You need an accountability buddy and I was lucky enough to have that through MVS. With NY being my only marathon I can’t compare it to anything else, but I absolutely loved every second of it. Was I tired by the end? Yes. But it was the best experience I have ever had, from the start of training all the way through the 27th mile walk back to my family." ~Devan Peterson
"I was lucky to earn a lottery entry into this year's NYC Marathon! I had spectated before and seen the excitement of the weekend firsthand, so I was thrilled that this would be my first experience running 26.2. I started training in earnest around Memorial Day weekend this year, slowly building my usual 15-20 miles per week up to a peak of 35-40 miles per week by October. Summer training meant running through humidity and also on vacation in Paris or the Cape, and occasionally I would wake up as early as 5:30am to get my runs in before it got too hot. My usual training was about 5-7 miles 3-4x per week, then a longer 10+ mile run on a weekend morning. I felt a sense of accomplishment checking off the longer runs - especially the 18 and 20 milers. Two weeks before the race I felt a twinge in my right knee, which made me get more serious about stretching and PT, but by race day I felt more than ready to tackle the course.
Everything that people say about the crowds is true - they really carried me throughout all 5 boroughs! I think my favorite sign was "The rats don't run this town, you do!" I was glad I knew what to expect on the course beforehand and where the bridges were, but there were a few random uphills that I was not expecting that were challenging. I felt great for the first 20 miles of the race then hit a wall and struggled through the final 10K (it was warm and sunny by mid-afternoon), but overall I was happy with my time of 3:46:59 for a first-time marathoner. In addition, I proudly got to wear the medal around town afterwards and for my coworkers the next week." ~ Ben Raphel with his sister Adrienne Raphel
"Marathon #62
As Jess Sims says -“I don’t have to. I get to.”
Loved sharing 26.2 miles with so many amazing friends through the streets of NY. Inspired by the incredible spectators and LOVED my favorite cheerleaders who gave me life through the 5 boroughs.
Beyond blessed & grateful for this day to fill my soul.
" ~ Maura Szendey
"I had so much fun running with John Jannetti. We started and finished together and soaked up all the awesome energy from the crowds. A highlight for me was the many people who asked us about out Mak shirts. We enjoyed telling everyone about him. Thank you to the NYC committee for this great opportunity, I had a blast!" ~ Liz MacIver

"The NYC Marathon and the months before was such an amazing journey!
Now that the dust slowly starts to settle, I also start to process all of that has happened during that day and I am still a little speechless. The whole experience was life changing -from getting up at 4:30 am to getting on the 6 am bus with fellow MVSers and John Jannetti easing my nerves while on the bus to the Start Village. All the feelings at the start, Frank Sinatra’s New York, New York, it still gives me the chills. The first 2 miles were a little quiet, which was almost a good thing, reminding myself to start out slow. And it starts, ALL.THE. CROWDS. Running into Brooklyn and while I was told about this 26.2 mile party, it
is impossible to imagine what it is like until you experience it. Running through those 5 boroughs, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, The Bronx and Harlem. I loved every minute of it. The energy from the crowds, the cheering, it was still hard work, but it definitely takes your mind off what you are doing and keeps you going!
The BEST part of the race was seeing my family, at mile 18 (this is where things started to hurt) I couldn’t miss them in orange! And at mile 23 (great boost for the last 3 miles) NY was everything; the love, the crowds, the cheering, challenging, the bridges, pain, all the high-fives. The finish.. goosebumps and tears. I am grateful for so many things, first and far most for the support from my family, without them this marathon wouldn’t have happened. Second, my running buddies Devan Peterson, Mikaela Reynolds and Yaira Nunez- what can I say? All the miles over the summer, early mornings, the conversations. Training with you made the hard work fun and I loved every minute of it, yes, including the bathroom stops �� And last but not least! MVS - my running family. Thanks for all the advise and information during my training and for the day itself! Getting me into NY by giving a bib, a special thanks Diane Jannetti!
I am still on a runners high, I joined the 1% but more importantly, proved myself I was wrong 2 years ago
and I can do hard things!" ~ Jessica Valkenburg